Dr. Jeffrey T. Litchford

About Dr. Litchford (click on photo to link with my Facebook page)

TN, United States
I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology am a Certified Master Subconscious Restructuring Counselor and Coach, Behavioral Consultant, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. I've worked in the specialty areas of personal change, optimizing individual potential and behavioral consulting for over 25 years. I served as Director of Psychiatric Rehabilitation for a Regional Mental Health Center, Directed a Certified Academic Institution which trained counselors, taught Combat Medicine and War Time Psychiatry at the School of Healthcare Sciences USAF and presents at seminars and conferences. I am the founder of Life Management Services, a community social service and counseling agency, served 14 years in the U.S. Air Force then went to work in state and community mental health agencies until establishing Life Management Services in 1996.


  • email lmsdocjeff@live.com
  • Phone 615-556-3760

Monday, July 18, 2011


The topic of motivation seems to be ever present in books and articles. It is an area of great interest and concern in our society. In fact, there is a career field, a profession, dedicated solely to the topic of motivation. This profession is filled with an array of amazing 'Motivational Speakers'! We all need a little help now and then with our motivation.

What motivates you? How are you moved to action? No, I'm not asking what causes inspire you. I'm asking, how are you motivated? How you are motivated determines to a great extent the quality of your performance in anything and the joy in your life.

As human beings we are motivated in one of two ways. We are either motivated by moving 'toward' something we desire / want or we are motivated by moving 'away' from something we don't want / desire and are seeking to avoid. Some people are motivated to get up out of bed and get to work to 'avoid' being fired from their job. Other individuals are motivated to get up and get going because they look forward to the work they do. Some people buy flowers for a significant other on their birthday to 'avoid' an argument for having forgotten or disappointing them. Others buy flowers for their significant other because they love to see the surprise in their face or enjoy the feeling of making them happy.

Assess the different areas of your life. How are you currently being motivated? Are you moving 'toward' something desired or 'away' from something feared or undesirable? Negative motivation robs our creativity and reduces our quality of life. We can change the nature of motivation by changing our thinking. Maybe you don't like your job, but you enjoy the freedom the paycheck gives you. Explore that area as a beginning to a shift in motivation. The moving 'toward' motivation is most powerful and continually opens new vistas in life.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I recommend ... QUIT!

There is so much of our internal dialogue or Self-talk that exists in the form of questions.  Our subconscious mind responds most powerfully to questions.  It always answers / responds to questions! Not necessarily right away, but it will respond resulting in feelings, thoughts and behaviors.  It is the questions we ask ourselves that activates the subconscious and determines the direction of our thinking, emotions and our ultimate behaviors.  There are countless books, articles, and videos available now teaching various forms of "self-talk" and "afformations" that address this critical mental technology of asking questions. Our Subconscious mind serves us perfectly by giving us powerful answers to the questions we ask ourselves.  If we ask ourselves why we are not successful at something or why we always fail, it will give us volumes of reasons and also ensure that we continue to live and think in such a way to validate the premise of that question .  Yet if we change the question to How can I succeed?, or even, How have I become so successful?, or What do I need to do to...? it will give us volumes of reasons, information and guidance in that direction as well. These new technologies are worth investigating (I highly recommend SR).  When we understand the power of questions to unlock the power within us and redirect our subconscious mind, if applied,  we can literally transform our lives.  It is simply beautiful because it is beautifully simple.  I recommend ...QUIT! ...Questions Understood and Internalized Transform!!