Dr. Jeffrey T. Litchford

About Dr. Litchford (click on photo to link with my Facebook page)

TN, United States
I have a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology am a Certified Master Subconscious Restructuring Counselor and Coach, Behavioral Consultant, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. I've worked in the specialty areas of personal change, optimizing individual potential and behavioral consulting for over 25 years. I served as Director of Psychiatric Rehabilitation for a Regional Mental Health Center, Directed a Certified Academic Institution which trained counselors, taught Combat Medicine and War Time Psychiatry at the School of Healthcare Sciences USAF and presents at seminars and conferences. I am the founder of Life Management Services, a community social service and counseling agency, served 14 years in the U.S. Air Force then went to work in state and community mental health agencies until establishing Life Management Services in 1996.


  • email lmsdocjeff@live.com
  • Phone 615-556-3760

Thursday, July 31, 2014


Our biggest limit is not in what we want and cannot do, it is in what we have never considered that we can do. 

Are you living a life of mediocrity? Have you settled for a certain standard of living because you believe that's the best you can do or all that you deserve? If you believe that you 'can't be wealthy or that you can't succeed at a career you love, where did this belief come from?  Do you think, "I can't do the work I love and still make a living"? Who says? According to whom? When we challenge our limiting beliefs with empowering questions, we create conditions for change. We direct the mind to move in the direction of achievement, success, and joy. 


Act as if you are the controlling element of your life. When you do, you will be. 

Our joy and our misery is ultimately a matter of choice. Most of us are taught, at a very early age by both society and our environment, that we are victims of the world around us and particularly victims of our thoughts. We are taught that we have no control in life and our emotions are subject to the events of life to which we can only 'react'.  That is one of the most damaging and ugly lies that we have ever been lead to believe and accept. The 'reality' is that we always have a choice in every situation as to how we 'let' it affect us. Because we have lived for so long as of the lie were true, it will take some practice to regain our internal freedom of 'choice'. When we return to making our own choices, we no longer live our life 'reacting', we choose how we will 'respond'. We become increasingly aware that we are 'responsible' for our own peace and happiness. We gain a greater sense of independence as we grow increasingly 'response-able' for our own lives. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


After our greatest challenges, hard times and even lonely times we gain great wisdom and learning if we will listen and allow for the learning. Observe the disruptions of various kinds in nature. At the time of the storm, volcano, earth quake we can only see hurt and damage. If we listen or watch the continuing process, we see that nature is
seeking balance. After the volcano, rich farm land,  the earth quake results in people coming together as one. Every event in nature is part of a process of seeking and maintaining balance. Reexamine the storms in your life. What can you learn from nature to apply to you're learning and ultimate balance and peace. Learn the patterns of nature and you will discover a world filled with marvelous ways to regain joy and peace. 

Monday, July 28, 2014


"Since we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our minds, our one duty is to furnish it well."

Do you like the emotions or feelings you are experiencing at this very moment? If you like what you are feeling, inventory your thoughts. What are you thinking about? You now know that those thoughts result in emotions you prefer or enjoy. If you don't like what you are feeling, inventory your thoughts. What are you thinking? Those thoughts trigger feelings you don't like or want. We have an amazing power that comes standard with our basic internal wiring. This power is the ability to choose our own thoughts. It is our thoughts that trigger or launch what we are feeling. Thoughts equal emotions. If we can choose our thoughts, then we can choose our emotions. Our thoughts do not need to be a random collection of images, ideas, sounds, etc. Instead of allowing our current environment to determine our thoughts and in turn our feelings, we can choose our thoughts. The ability to choose our own thoughts is a freedom no one and no thing can ever take from us. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Friendship is like a tree. It starts with a seed: a smile, an introduction or a handshake. It needs care and nurturing: phone calls, text messages, or meeting for lunch. Visit when there is a happy occasion or a sad event. You nourish the friendship with jokes, stories and laughter. The tree can live a lifetime, giving you shade and protection from the oppressive heat of loneliness. 

Nurture the friendships you value. Don't let work and routines take precedence over your relationships. Likewise, don't let careless words or actions, like an axe to a tree, destroy what you have spent such a long time nurturing. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014


While driving in my car on errands earlier today, I saw a familiar bumper sticker on a car in front of me. For some reason, this bumper sticker, that I've seen many times before, affected me differently today. The sticker reads, "Commit random acts of kindness!" I think if we are all honest with ourselves, we must admit that the message is a good one. Doing something nice for someone else without seeking something in return, be they family, friend or stranger, can put into motion a ripple of kindness that may ultimately result in a large wave of good and great things. Simply being a little kinder to everyone with whom we come into contact is a random act that benefits giver and receiver. 

The thought that flashed into my mind upon seeing the bumper sticker this morning was, "IF WE ALL HELPED OUR NEIGHBORS, NO ONE WOULD NEED HELP!" When one of my youngest daughters was about six years old I asked her, "who is my neighbor?" Her response was a profound and tender teaching moment for this dad. In her tender, soft, high pitched voice she responded, "DAD, OUR NEIGHBOR IS ANYONE WHO NEEDS OUR HELP!"  
Consider committing a RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS. 

Friday, July 25, 2014


When you arrive at a hotel, you are assigned a room. You stay in it for a few days and then you move on. Sometimes you like the decor of your room, and sometimes you don't. If you don't like a painting on the wall, you don't call the manager and complain about it. As long as the room is clean, the bed is comfortable, and the television, shower and toilet work, you're happy. You figure that you are going to be out most of the day and return to the room only to sleep. Why bother complaining. 

You'll meet many people throughout your life. Many of the relationships are temporary; aquaintences, neighbors, coworkers, and even relatives. All of these people will have their own likes and dislikes, which will often clash with yours. In time, these little nuisances will pass. It is wise to accept these quirks as variations of life rather than to react and make them an issue, frustration, agitation, resentment, or irritation. Consider it from a different perspective. You have flaws from their point of view as well. When you're spending time with someone, don't attempt to change their habits (the decor of the hotel room). Enjoy their company instead (the clean room and comfortable bed). One day we all have to move on anyway. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014


On this day, July 24th, people from around the world celebrate the arrival of the Mormon pioneers into the rugged and baron Salt Lake Valley of Utah. Although an advanced party reached the valley two days earlier, their leader and the bulk of the first group entered the valley July 24, 1847. This group of people was made up of individuals and families from many countries. They had been forced to relocate several times due to persecution from others who did not practice the so called tolerance of today, and they did not have the benefit of political correctness. Here was a people, committed to a cause, converted by a message, and determined to succeed. Many, lost their lives on the journey. 

Today I think of those pioneers, on foot, pulling handcarts and in covered wagons, traveling an average of three months (that's in ideal weather) to reach their destination, their new home. I pause to inventory my own life. Am I COMMITTED to a cause? Have I been CONVERTED by a message? Am I DETERMINED to succeed?
When we ponder our life's purpose as individuals, it may serve us well to consider these three question. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


A woman wanted to see her granddaughter, but hated her daughter in law. She wanted to meet the child without the mother who refused to let the child go alone. She needed to understand, we tolerate the thorns on the stem of a rose because we value the bloom on the top. If you break the rose away from the stem, it dies. The child is like the rose and the mother is like the stem covered in thorns. The woman needed to accept the daughter in law as part of the child. She needed to open her heart to both of them. 

What are you missing in your life because you insist on "this without that"?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


A cocoon gives life, protection, and warmth to a helpless caterpillar. Children need parental love, affection, and protection during childhood. The caterpillar has to break open the same cocoon to become a butterfly. If the cocoon is too hard or rigid, the caterpillar dies within it. Just like caterpillars grow wings and break open their cocoons, growing children challenge the values which helped them grow. This is somewhat necessary to become independent. Children can only become assertive young adults if their parents are protective and supportive like a cocoon , but soft or flexible enough to be broken open allowing for transformation into adulthood. 

Monday, July 21, 2014


One day during an early morning walk, I came across a large bush full of leaves and thorns. On the top of the bush was a single, beautiful rose blossom. I paused for a few moments to admire the beautiful rose: "Look how perfect. It's so beautiful!" and then I continued on my walk. Notice I did not say, "look at that thorny bush. It's so ugly and what a massive amount of thorns." Instead, I was focused on the beautiful rose on top. Similarly, when we meet a person, we ought to focus on their positive qualities like I did with the rose bush. We can learn to ignore their character flaws and opposing opinions. There are many situations where we may have to tolerate the person. A simple example is a friend of your best friend or coworker. If you can focus on the positive and appreciate it, the negatives will become tolerable. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Truth is truth no matter where we find it. All too often we are so critical of the messenger that we don't hear the message. It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory!

Saturday, July 19, 2014


We are often told that the worst thing in life is to stop advancing, because this means stagnation and all progress stops. The best thing is to continue forward, even if slowly. There is credence to this teaching. I wonder, can you only see stagnation in the act of stopping? Repose is better than collapse, and stopping to reflect is better than moving with no direction. Nature is our wise teacher, and observing nature we see that there is often a pause before tremendous growth. If your life is feeling sidelined or stalled, and there seems to be no progress, shift your perspective. Perhaps life is giving you a pause before tremendous growth. 

Friday, July 18, 2014


There is power in the principle of repetition. This principle, when applied, can either serve or hinder us. If you do something once, the second time is easier. You can steal and feel regret the first time, but when you are stealing for the hundredth time, it will pose no difficulty. In addition, once a thought or behavior is repeated many times, we no longer consciously think about it. It becomes a natural response. Is the principle of repetition serving you or hindering you?

Thursday, July 17, 2014


There are gold finders who go to abandoned gold mines and find gold ignored, forgotten, or left behind by the original mine workers. Maybe you have been out if touch with some friends. They are like abandoned gold mines. Surprise them with a call, text or visit. They will react with surprise, joy, and gratitude for the initiative. You can mine a lot of joy with those forgotten friends. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Positive emotions are something we do, not something that happens to us. Events do not determine our emotions, we do. The same event will affect a thousand people differently because they all have different attitudes and beliefs and choose to respond differently. We are always responsible for our feelings, no one else. Outside circumstances do not dictate if we are happy or sad, we do!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


The body needs food and physical action to keep its health. In the same way, the spirit must be nurtured and kept. What is the food of the spirit? Impressions and experiences shape it and acts of will temper and strengthen it. But this food us subtle and hard to observe, so it is often ignored and despised. A man may walk ten miles to find a doctor that may heal his finger or his ear, but he refuses to search for a teacher or follow a discipline, even if his soul is ill and numb. A man will certainly refuse rotten food, and he will cover his nose and mouth if going past a place if foul smells. And yet, he will not refuse to join in shameful acts and adopt degrading behaviors. How subtle is the way to nurture the spirit, and what tragedy it is to fail to do so properly.

Our body and our spirit both need daily nutrition. Just as our body can become malnourished and weakened,  our spirit can become weakened as well and we feel a void in our lives. 

Monday, July 14, 2014


The world is a gigantic collection of writings. Each thing leaves a trace and a history behind. In our faces and our skin, our experiences are carefully written. The heavens have signs which indicate directions and give warnings. Observing the very small things and the extraordinarily big things, we can find the workings behind what our senses perceive. Colors can move our moods and sounds can be akin or far removed from our hearts. Every posture of the body reflects an attitude, and each movement has an intention. Before you is the mountain and its face has recorded history of the ages. In the same way the eyes and the senses can learn how to read the world so the spirit has a language of its own. This is called judgement. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


You will never get any more out of life than you expect. Every person today is the result of their thoughts yesterday. 

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Know yourself.  This will make you invincible. Know your enemy. This will make him vulnerable. Know the situation. You will know what is available and what is not. Know the trends. This will help you be ahead of others. Know the bridges and the spies. In this way you can delude and wear down your enemy. Give your enemy a shape. If you can see him clearly, you can defeat him. 

This ancient and wise counsel applies in every area of our lives. We all have enemies, but we may label them "challenges," "temptations," "weaknesses," "problems," etc. Our enemy may be a job at which we feel inadequate. It may be carrying too much weight for our health or desired appearance. It may be a habit that continually causes disruption in our life and relationships. We can defeat, or more appropriately, overcome any 'enemy' in our life. Use your innate ability to ponder and listen within. Seek first to know, then the path becomes clear. 

Friday, July 11, 2014


One of the things that most people don't notice most of the time is that what comes out of their mouth goes in their ears. We hear ourselves speaking, and it has an impact on our neurology. There is great power in words. Words are symbols that represent everything we see, hear, feel, taste and smell in our daily experience. When we utter words that are negative or hurtful, even if we're joking, the subconscious hears everything and takes it literally. It is so important to speak only words that identify what we want in life. The words trigger corresponding emotions, thoughts and beliefs. The principle works exactly the same way when we talk about or use words relative to what we don't want. Sticks and stones can break our bones but words can REALLY hurt us. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality. To me, defeat in anything is merely temporary, and it's punishment is but an urge for me to exert greater effort to achieve my goal. Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth. (Bruce Lee)

Those are wise words. I would like to add a thought of my own. I do not believe inFAILURE! I believe it is all FEEDBACK!When what we are attempting to accomplish does not work, we can learn from the experience. Thomas Edison had over 1000 attempts at creating the light bulb before he succeeded. He says the attempts were not failures, rather he now knew of over 1000 ways that don't work. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


In creating a statue, a sculptor doesn't keep adding clay to his subject. Actually, he keeps chiseling away at the nonessentials until the truth of his creation is revealed without obstruction. 

Like the Sculptor, we may need to remove or chisel away some things or people in our lives. It is wisdom to periodically review the artwork that is our life. If we notice habits, situations or people in our life that are inhibiting our ability to be our authentic self, we may need to remove them. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Learning is definitely not mere imitation, nor is it the ability to accumulate and regurgitate fixed knowledge. Learning is a constant process of discovery, a process without end. (Bruce Lee)

Monday, July 7, 2014


Like a welcome Summer rain, humor may suddenly cleanse and cool the earth, the air and you. 

Humor is essential for good physical and emotional health. A child laughs an estimated 300 times a day, the average adult laughs 17 times per day. How many times have we heard or even said, "we'll laugh about this one day"? Why wait? When we can laugh about a situation we diminish its power to stress or control us. Milton Berle said, "laughter is an instant vacation!"

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Two things define you; your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything. We choose. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Perceive the way of nature and no force of man can harm you. Do not meet a wave head on: avoid it. You do not have to stop force: it is easier to redirect it. Learn more ways to preserve rather than destroy. Avoid rather than check. Check rather than hurt. Hurt rather than maim. Maim rather than kill. For all life is precious nor can any be replaced. 

Friday, July 4, 2014


Two monks had been in town and were returning to the monastery in the evening. It had rained and there were large puddles of water on the road sides. At one street a beautiful young woman was standing and appeared hesitant. She was unable to cross the street due to the water. The elder of the two monks approached her, lifted her, and set her down on the other side of the street. The monks then continued the journey back to the monastery. Later that evening, the younger monk asked the elder," Sir, as monks we cannot touch a woman?" The elder monk responded,"yes brother." The younger monk asked, " but then sir, how is it that you lifted that young woman on the roadside?" The elder monk smiled and said,"I lifted her to the other side of the road, but you are still carrying her."

It's not the thoughts that pass through our mind that determine our direction, but the ones we entertain. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


There are times when we do not know the answer to a question or the solution to a problem. That is when it is totally appropriate to say, "I don't know." Then we embark on finding or learning the answer. Confusion is quite different. Confusion doesn't come from not knowing. When we are confused, we have the information needed, it's just not organized. When confronted with decisions, if you 'don't know' then seek information. If you're confused, reexamine what you do know and reorganize the information, clarity will follow. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Anything is possible if you dare to ask. So often the things that we want in our lives allude us for one very surprising and simple reason, we don't ask for them. From a deeper relationship to a better job and income, there are all sorts of desires that we hold deep within but never achieve, when the fact is, we haven't taken the most important step of all. It's been taught and written for centuries, 'ask and Ye shall receive.' This teaching applies in so many ways. Amazing things happen in our lives when we ASK for what we need or desire. This great power or secret is known as THE ALLADIN FACTOR. Are you lacking something you need or desire? Is something missing  in your life? Do you want more or something better? Try asking!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


It is wise to pause on a regular basis and inventory the themes of our thinking. We move in the direction of our thoughts. We become what we think about. Our subconscious mind does not process negatives. When we think or say, "I won't be nervous," our subconscious processes," be nervous" and it then helps us to be that way. Mother Teresa once related that she was invited to an anti-war rally and refused to go and said,"invite me to a peace rally and I'll attend." She understood the operation of the mind. 

Take your attention away from the things you do not want to see in your life, your environment, your community, society, the world. Turn your thoughts and your energy toward that which you want to see. Again, the subconscious does not process negatives, so if you continue to think about undesired  elements you are fueling them and creating more of the same. However, if you think on things that are desirable, uplifting, and empowering, that will become your nature and experience.