In order to take control of our brain, we need to understand the language of the brain. Our brain processes all input via our five senses. We label and process our experience as pictures (visual) sounds (auditory) feelings (kinesthetic) taste and smell (olfactory). We have each developed a primary representational system. Some of us think primarily in pictures, some think primarily in feelings and so on. The system we use determines the words we choose. A visual person may be heard to say," I see what you're saying." "I can picture that." A kinesthetic person may be heard to say,"I'm not comfortable with that." I feel good about that." It's important to become aware of your brain language and the brain language of others. When two primarily visual persons talk, they establish quick rapport and they easily understand each other. When a visual person and and a auditory person talk, they are literally speaking two different languages and have a more difficult time understanding each other. Once you've learned to shift your language to that of the person with whom you are speaking, you have great control over your own life. You also know how to better communicate with yourself. Ask someone to describe their living room. A visual person will draw you a picture in words of the rooms layout and furniture appearance. A feeling oriented person will use words describing how the room feels and the feel of the furnishings. Be aware of brain language. It gives you back greater control on your life.