The caterpillar goes about its business, and lives the life that it knows, the life of the caterpillar. At some point in its life, it begins to build a cocoon around itself. It closes itself off from the outside world for a little while... closes itself off from outside influences and opinions. And while it is inside the darkness, it becomes acquainted with its true self, and out of this true self, without anything being added from the outside, without any special education from the external, comes the butterfly!
We each have within us the potential of greatness! To be someone totally unique with amazing and specific talents. There comes a time in our lives when we must choose. Whether to be what circumstances, opportunities or the lack thereof, and those around us say we should be, or... we can become still, and listen. Seek within ourselves and discover the unequaled person we are meant to be. It's a DEFINING MOMENT in our life!